时间:2022年06月15日 15:30-17:00
主题:Pandemics, supply shocks, and international market integration
主讲人:北京师范大学一带一路学院龚驰 副教授
龚驰,北京师范大学一带一路学院副教授,韩国首尔国立大学博士,主要研究领域是宏观经济、国际金融。曾任四川大学经济学院副教授硕士生导师,韩国首尔国立大学研究员兼讲师,韩国首尔国立大学亚洲研究所客座研究员,韩国京畿大学客座教授兼博士生导师,四川广安岳池县发改局副局长。出版专著1部、作为第一作者或通讯作者在国际国内高级别经济学期刊《经济研究》、《经济理论与经济管理》、Journal of International Money and Finance、Frontiers in psychology、Asia Economic Paper等上发表多篇学术论文;主持或参与国家级、省部级等多项社会科学研究项目,作为负责人承担地方政府规划项目、调研项目若干,曾获四川省第十八次哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖。
This paper develops a two-period-two-country model to illustrate international trade and the flow of capital across countries, given differential optimal pandemic control and prevention policies between countries. The analytical results show that a pandemic brings about global recession, and asymmetric supply shocks induced by the pandemic generate capital flows from a more seriously affected country to a less affected one. The former runs a current account deficit, and the size of such deficit increases with the severity of the pandemic. However, international market integration can act as an insurance scheme against the labor supply shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, thus alleviating the economic impact. We then apply the two-stage least squares method to study the direct and indirect effects of the "workplaces shut down" and "home isolation" policies. The empirical results confirm the main predictions of our theoretical model.