主题:The evolutionary political economy of international trade
主讲人:北京师范大学一带一路学院特聘教授 Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath is an accompolished economist, sinologist, and philosopher of economics. He is the professor of Economics and Permanent Fellow at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt University, Germany. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath contributed widely to the cross-disciplinary foundations of economics, with applications in empirical research and policy design, especially in research on the Chinese economy and international trade policy. His essential philosophical resources are Hegel and Peirce. In the field of evolutionary and ecological economics, he proposes a theory of economic growth that takes the concepts of energy and information as fundamental building blocks.This theory has been expanded to a theory of the technosphere as emergent level of Earth system evolution.He proposes a naturalistic theory of institutions, taking money as a central application, which combines modern neuroeconomics and behavioural economics with Masahiko Aoki's theory of institutions.His synthesis is grounded on a semiotic and evolutionary reformulation of neuroeconomics. His institutional theory focuses on the notion of ‘performativity’ and ties up with recent developments in sociology and philosophy (actor-network theory, science and technology studies).In the field of international economics, he proposes the new paradigm of ‘deliberative trade policy’, with applications on the WTO.His long-time research on China has been condensed in a cultural theory of the Chinese economy, that centres on the concept of ‘ritual’. Currently, he works on a ‘critical theory of the economy’. His long-time research on China has been condensed in a cultural theory of the Chinese economy, that centres on the concept of ‘ritual’. In his recent work (together with Stephan Bannas) he has suggested the radical transformation of the modern capitalist economy, with key features such as geocentrism, definancialization, the abolition of all forms of limiting personal liability, and a new model of Universal Basic Income.His work has been synthesized in the textbook co-authored with Christian Hederer "A New Principles of Economics: The Science of Markets" (2023, Chinese translation 2024).He continues with paradigm-changing research on embodiment in economics (in collaboration with Frédéric Basso, LSE)and a new approach to ecosystem ownership.
Standard trade theory is a theory about the structure of international production which emerges from an international arbitrage equilibrium. It is not a theory about the activity of trading which is simply taken for granted or which is treated implicitly in the concept of exogenous trade costs. This paper proposes an alternative evolutionary framework based on networks as structures of non-price interactions into which price/quantity-interactions are embedded. These networks manifest different levels with specific problems of coordination and communication, i.e. levels of market transactions, of transaction-enabling transactions, of markets for market access rights, and of the respective transaction-enabling transactions. Furthermore, the theory is based on the analysis of capabilities to trade, resting upon competitive advantage, which cannot be imitated. The exploitation of competitive advantage presupposes the capability to control network interactions, identified as social capital. Finally, the security of market access reflects power balances among countries.